الناشر: HarperCollins UK Paperback: 208 صفحات خيال نفسي

  • علامة تجارية: باولو كويلو
  • SKU: 9780007551804
  • الشحن: 
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أعرف أكثر

Veronika is young and pretty and has everything she could wish for – yet one morning she takes an overdose of sleeping pills, only to wake up in the local hospital.

Veronika has plenty of boyfriends, a steady job, a loving family. Yet she is not happy; something is lacking in her life, and one morning she decides to die. The overdose of sleeping pills she takes does not work, and she wakes up in Villete, the local asylum. There she is told that her heart is damaged and she has only a few days to live.

The story follows Veronika through these intense days as she starts to question all her ideas about life. Soon she comes to realize that every second of existence is a choice we all make between living and dying. Against all odds she finds herself falling in love and even wanting to live again…