الناشر: سكولاستيك اللغة: الانجليزية سن القراءة: 6 - 11 سنة كتاب مصور ملون. رقم ال ISBN: 9788176557962

  • علامة تجارية: داف بيلكي
  • SKU: 9781338323214
  • الشحن: 
  • سياسة الإرجاع: - No returns or Exchange for Books & Printed Materials as per Egyptian Law - For Non Books Items : return to store within 14 days in its same condition and package

أعرف أكثر

Petey the Cat is out of jail, and he has a brand-new lease on life. While Petey's reevaluated what matters most, Li'l Petey is struggling to find the good in the world. Can Petey and Dog Man stop fighting like cats and dogs long enough to put their paws together and work as a team? They need each other now more than ever -- Li'l Petey (and the world) is counting on them!